GDPR Bundle

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on the 25th May 2018, replacing the previous data protection framework. The risks associated with non-compliance with data protection law post 25th May 2018 have changed dramatically and failure to address GDPR obligations may result in fines up to 4% of your yearly turnover.

The Epic Care GDPR Bundle has been developed to assist your organisation in meeting these new GDPR regulations.

Features of this bundle include:

  • Server encryption certification – all resident / service user data is encrypted at a server level to make sure that only approved staff and users can access the data.
  • Data Access Request’ feature – individuals have the right to apply for a copy of their personal data. To make this process easier for you, our client, a Resident / Service User Data Access Request feature and a User Data Access Request feature will be made available.
  • Backup Validation and Certification – backups of your data will be restored and analysed bi – annually by us, your data processors.
  • Product access security enhancements – improved system passwords to include appropriate levels of character complexity and mandatory minimum password lengths.

We will be continuously working to update and enhance this module to cater for further and future GDPR requirements.